Friday, October 9, 2009

Body Scans to go...

As I mentioned in a previous blog, Jim and I had a computerized body scan that our nutritionist performed on us. It reads biomarkers in the body (body's energy) and reports how many biomarkers are out of balance and recommends the specific supplimental product that will put that biomarker back into a balanced state. We were so impressed by how much better we felt (other than the sleep deprivation we have with Kai)  that we bought a scan and will be marketing the herbal products she recommends called Nature's Sunshine. Jim even bought stock in the company as he sees it as the next best thing. We have signed up to become a vendor at this months Maui Healing Gardens Health Fair to perform these scans. It's all very exciting that we will be helping people with their nutritional needs and saving them a lot of money since normally they'd be buying products that aren't necessarily are an energetic match for them. I am looking for a person to help me for the day with Kai so I can focus on the booth. So far nobody has showed up but I'm sure all will work out. Here is the link to the Zyto Compass software that does the scan and the products that work with it.

Mommy brain

For almost every night I lay in bed reviewing my day I have this thought, "Darn, I forgot to write in my blog again!". Motherhood has blessed me with the overwhelming excuse: mommy brain. As was prepregnancy, I was very forgetful, now it's despicable. Though today I remembered and as Kai is sleeping I have a moment to blog.

Kai turned 5 months old on Monday and oh has he come so far. His vocalization reaches high pitched squeals down to low grunting growls. I figure he should be a dinosaur for Halloween because of the sounds that come out of his mouth. He smiles so beautifully that it melts my heart every time I look at him. He's rolling over, pushes his chest off the floor and scoots across the bed like and inch worm. He's so close to crawling, but not quite there and the frustration shows in his face. He tries so hard and gets so impatient. He wants to crawl or better yet, walk. He wants to be held in a standing position all the time and when we concure, he is as happy as can be. He sways from side to side and  throws in an occasional bounce while joyful smiling and squeeling. On his 5th month birthday, he held his own wait while being propped up agianst Jim's leg. Him let go and Kai just stood there holding on to his knee. Then Jim moved him to the couch which is backed by a mirror. Kai held on to the back of the couch and smiled at himself in the mirror. Too cute!

He's sleeping better at night. He's been going to bed later than on the Big Island at 8pm and waking up around 6:30am which is great for us. I've been experimenting with my diet and cutting out the sugar and he's had less gas which allows for Kai to sleep soundly, and when I do have sugar he rolls around and is more disturbed.  A bummer for me because I'd love to have fruit smoothies or ice cream.

I'm really missing Kauai. I miss my mom and my friends. I miss having a regular exercise routine. I've gained 15 lbs since the birth. My tummy is not toned and flat like it used to be. I'm sure the food we ate in Europe didn't help, but not moving regulary doesn't help either. I have to put a weekly routine together. The challenge I have is Kai's sleep schedule. Currently, he doesn't have one and I wasn't planning on one when I was pregnant, but now that he's born I see the need for one, otherwise I'm not going to be able to get anything done. I think I'll do that today. 

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Starting journal late - Kai is 4 1/2 months old

I started a written journal when I was pregnant. The last entry was made the week before I gave birth. Suffice it to say, I haven't had the time or energy to update it as I now have baby Kai, the love of my life aside from Jim. I have yet to go back and write his birth story which lasted 3 days and ended in a cesarean. I won't go into it here, as it is long and drawn out, but I will record it here on Blogger so that I can print it later for Kai; a historical document that he will always be able to refer back to when he is older.

So, four months have passed and the procrastination has ended. I begin here:

We are on the Big Island of Hawaii until October 2 as we rented our house out on Kauai until October 30 with the assumption that we would be traveling within Europe until that time. Exhaustion, the high cost of the Euro and missing my friends and mom have brought us back. It was good to see my grandmothers (Kai's great grandmothers) but enough was enough. My body has been aching, full of inflammation. Kai is heavy; 20 pounds of all boy. He is happiest when he is being supported in a standing position. He sways side to side, smiles from ear to ear as we hold him and he pushes off. It takes all our strength to hold him back from falling. He is so strong and so active. For us, it feels like we are at the gym pushing weights 12 hours a day. It's hard on our bodies. I nurse him every 2 hours. During the past few weeks he as gone from nursing once during the night to 3 times a night. Must be a growth spurt. I go about my day in a daze, yawing. Last week our bodies couldn't take any more and we made an appointment to see Karen, our natural health practitioner. She performed a new energetic body scan on us and found our bodies to be pretty weak so she has us on some new herbs and suppliments. It's been a few days and I feel much better. I feel less achy and have more energy. I've also started standup paddleboarding and stretching. Jim has been sleeping in the other room and taking Kai at 5:30am (Kai's wakeup time) on a walk while I catch up on some much needed sleep.  All of that put together has me feeling much better.

Even with all the physical exhaustion, I am exquisitly in love with my baby boy. He has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. Pure joy and love pours out of his eyes and heart and flows right into mine. Does everyone who has a child feel this? As I lay in bed nursing him tonight he looks up at me with his big beautiful blue eyes and smiles at me. We connect, I cry with emotion. I have never felt such unconditional love. I cannot describe this love I have for him other than it is infinite and God like.  He completes me.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Toxic Formaldehyde Hides In Children’s Clothing and Bedding

USA does not have any safety standard in place when it comes to formaldehyde limits in textiles. ANYTHING GOES HERE!Japan and some European countries (Austria, Finland, Germany, Norway and Netherlands and others), laid down national legislation restricting the presence of formaldehyde in textile products...

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